30 November 2010


I like Church. I like worship, I like preaching, I like Sunday school, I like fellowship (that should be obvious for anyone who knows I like to talk), I like the experience of a Sunday morning. I really liked this spring when we would eat lunch together and fellowship even more. The early church model is my favorite for the Christian Church lifestyle.
Not only do I like Church, I feel that I need Church. I think many would agree with me on this topic, here are a few standpoints for that agreement:
-from a Biblical standpoint, knowing that we are instructed to gather with fellow believers.
-from a Spiritual standpoint, hoping that more time with Jesus will make me less, well, troublesome.
-from an intellectual standpoint, knowing that I learn a lot when I go to church.
-from a social standpoint, as its the only time we know we will see each other.
Feel free to list others, I am sure there are a lot of reasons people think I (and you yourself) need church. I oftentimes feel that I need a weekly sanctuary to come, properly prepare my heart through worship, and hear biblical preaching.

But do I really need Church? Does fellowship with other believers make me a better Christian? Do I need Biblical teaching to grow in Christ? Do I need to sing five songs led by another person to feel like I have properly worshipped? Why do I feel that I need to go to a place on Sunday morning to have a complete week?

Take a look around at other Christians around the world. Do they all have the luxury of going to Church every week? Some people are the only Christians they know. Do they wither and fade away because they aren’t going to Church every week? Especially missionaries, who are living amongst a people group for the very purpose of leading them to Christ. Its highly doubtful that they will find an awesome church to weekly fulfill that need in their lives.

Church is good. Anytime I can, I make Church a priority. But Church should not be depended on. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Church is an excellent place to find, fellowship, and grow in Jesus. But its not the only place to accomplish these things.

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