22 August 2010

Rain rain rain rain...

They say that records are meant to be broken. I guess that is what this summer had in store for us as it poured. And rained. And drizzled. And rained again. For 30 days in a row. We saw little spots of sun in the process, but we didn't have a single day without rain for a whole month.

Considering my company relies on good weather to fly our singles, this didn't help business/planning too much. We got really good at loading and unloading stuff in the rain, as well as using wet tarps to cover wet stuff in attempt to keep them from getting even more wet. I got into the habit of bringing a change or two of clothes to work, since there is no choice but to get completely soaked every time we have a plane come in.

But the past couple days, we have had sunshine, and even some warmth! I am enjoying it, and find myself anticipating the coming summer. But then I realize that we are well past solstice, and the days are getting noticeably shorter. So I enjoyed my three days of summer, and am looking forward to fall, and all the good things that brings.

09 August 2010

they caught up!

All of my post dated posts have been posted! Wow, does that make any sense whatsoever? What it really means is that I need to get back into blogging. So, here goes...

-Its August. Summer is going entirely too quickly.

-It hasn't stopped raining. Actually, what is really annoying is the past couple days rotating between pouring down rain and hot and sunny. Which makes for a lot of humidity. Which makes my job miserable.

-I started moving into my new room! When I moved into the house, I temporarily located (and piled a lot of stuff) into one of the smaller bedrooms downstairs. Now that the other roommate is off and getting married on Saturday, I get to move into her old room! Happy tall windows and bigger room, ahoy!

-I have been missing Africa alot these days. Maybe its reading everyone's comments and prayer requests for the election. Maybe its just little things that remind me of life over there. Its just been on my mind a lot recently.

-I have been working a lot. Its not uncommon for me to be at work more hours than I am at home. Not a bad thing necessarily. The hardest part about it is not having energy to cook when I get home. I have so many things that I plan on making, but something about walking through the front door zaps any energy and motivation I thought I had.

Yep, thats about it.

06 August 2010

My big brother

Who is that fine looking fellow? Why, my brother of course. He's kind of a big deal. At least he is to me. He studied audio engineering in college, and he does his musical genius thing all over the Portland area and beyond. He even looks a bit like the guy from scooby doo.

I love him, cause he's my big brother. We laugh at the dumbest things when we are tired. We are completely crazy when we want to be. And in terms of centuries, he's this old:
It's true that we live a long ways apart. I wish I could spend more time with him. But when we are together, its a force to be reckoned with.

Happy 25th, Josh!

02 August 2010


My (mostly realistic) goals for the near future...

-CSEL: It will only take a few flights and a check ride. But I have been long awaiting this one, and its about time I get it done

-CFI: this one is going to take a lot of work, but I think its the next step in my aviation career. I will be working on this one throughout the Fall

-Worship ministry at church: A friend and I have been working on this since the spring, and I really want to see it up and running soon.

-More ministry opportunities at Church/seeking the Lord's leading in this area: Always a lofty and very important goal.

-Setting up my new room: I don't know when exactly I will be moving into the new room, but I have some grand visions of what it will be like. Who knows if it will work out according to plans, or not!

-Chemistry: I would like to take a college level Chemistry class for various reasons.

-Opportunities to expand my income: I need to be paying off bills and establishing a little more financial stability. I want to find some ways to make a little money using my skills and gifts.

prayers/encouragement in these areas always welcome! And if you have anything else to add to the list, feel free to suggest it!