31 October 2009

crazy past couple of weeks

Last week, mom and dad were here. This week, I started training at my new job. Its nothing glamorous or career building, but it is work, which is better than my previous state of employment. I am working at a store that sells gourmet cookware. I am REALLY looking forward to employee benefits! I am going to have to get another job just to support my employee discount. There are some options on the horizon coming up pretty quick about flying jobs. Be praying for wisdom on those for me.


Karen said...

How was the train? So glad you got the job! Are you looking into penair? I (we) had such fun spending the night with you! IT was way too short! We'll have to travel up to ANC to do it again!

Echojuliet said...

We didn't actually get to go on the train... because it isnt tourist season anymore, they only run on the weekends, and it would have cost too much for the rest of us to go :( :( :( I am definitely looking into Pen Air, along with a few others. I am REALLY leaning toward the flying track right now. I had such a good time with you guys when you came, even though it was TOO short! Thats ok, it just mandates you coming back :) I have furniture now that you can sleep on too!