01 June 2011

my poor, neglected blog...

I guess my last post has been over a month ago now. Wow, a lot has happened in that month... A lot of not even thinking about blogging, honestly. I'm sorry I am doing a lousy job keeping you up to date on my life.

So, what has happened in the past month that I have been too busy to blog? Well, the beginning of May, I went into Anchorage for the first time in almost 2 months. Boy was that a great trip! I got to spend some good quality time with a family friend that happens to be a retired missionary pilot. I asked him lots of questions, getting into the nitty gritty details of MAF, including questions about housing, salary, and work schedules.

I moved to the other end of the runway! While its only a half mile away, it has made my daily commute 5 times longer. An acceptable sacrifice!! I have really enjoyed having a 10 minute walk to work in the morning to pray, and a 10 minute walk home in the evening to cool down and leave everything at work. I also am really learning a lot from the lady who owns the house I am living in. More on her and the family later...

I went on a mini mission trip! Last weekend, I went down to Nondolton to help lead a team of CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) kids. They just finished their CYIA (Christian youth in Action) training, and were putting it to use running kids club Friday through Sunday. It was cool to see the teens lead the clubs, and the whole trip was a snapshot of village ministry.

Lots of other stuff, but I have other things to do this evening as well :)

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