25 November 2008

thanksgiving thoughts

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of thanksgiving? Football? tons of food? avoiding certain family members? Maybe that is an unfair question. It would be more fair to ask what you are thankful for. Last year, my parents sent me an e-card in honor of this special holiday, and it made me think. But instead of thinking about what I am thankful for, the phrase "bountiful harvest" got my attention. Most people dwell this time of year on the "thanks" part of thanksgiving. And yes, the holiday is about being thankful. But what were the original "givers of thanks" thankful for? A bountiful harvest.

Many families I know hold the tradition of going around sharing what they are thankful for before the big meal. It really doesn't take much to come up with something to be thankful for, especially living in America. It might take a few more minutes to think about what you are harvesting this year.

A harvest takes careful planning, care, and dedication. What did you plant in the spring? How did you water and care for it over the summer? Did you spend time weeding? What type of harvest do you expect?

What is the bounty of your harvest this thanksgiving?

Happy thanksgiving

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