15 November 2008

prayer requests

Os and Ps. Everything I have learned (or should have learned) about aviation maintenance, all in one weekend long oral and practical test. November 21-22. We will start Friday afternoon and go till 9pm. Then Saturday morning starts at 8 am and goes till we are done, which is usually mid afternoon.

next semester. I am trying to figure out where the heck I am going, cause I sure am not staying in Longview. I am planning on a mission trip, but I really need to figure out where I am going and who I am going with. I know God is going to provide the right thing, but it needs to happen soon.

Christmas break. I need to figure out how to effectively get all my STUFF back to Oregon. Its not going to be cheap, no matter how we do it. But we really need to figure out how it is all going to work.

thanks everyone!

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