21 January 2009

looooong day

Actually, today is going to be a short day. But somehow when I leave at 5 and wake up tomorrow morning landing in London, the days are going to melt together a little. Then I get on ANOTHER plane, and land in Nairobi at 9:30 Thursday night. So the next two days are going to be long days with little sleep.

Coming back has reminded me of what incredible friends I have. Friends who do crazy things to get me to portland the night before. Friends who keep secrets to help make my visit a complete surprise. friends who are willing to drive for 6 hours to get me to and from Dallas. Friends who are willing to go out of their way to give me a ride, even when they are in pajamas at times. And friends who just want to be with me, and hang on so I won't go. And friends who are only going to miss me because of the bread I make. But hey, I love them too. I will miss every single one of you, even the ones I didn't get to see this week.

flight numbers (check out flight aware if you want) are: BA 192 to London, and BA 65 on Thursday
I guess until until Kenya! cya on the other side!

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