A friend posted on facebook, asking what all her friends are praying for on the National Day of Prayer. Here's what I am praying for:
-obedience: As I read Bible story favorites about God working mightily, I realized something. While He doesn't need a specific person to do His work, the specific people He used had one thing in common: they OBEY. They weren't perfect (David). They weren't in their prime (Abraham). They weren't always the most wholesome in their decisions (Samson). They weren't popular (Joseph). They didn't get it right the first time (Jonah). And the list goes on.
I pray that God's people will OBEY Him, so He can do mighty works through us.
-faith: Tying in with obedience, we have to have incredible faith. So often, I hear Christians say that "God could do this if He wants to, but I doubt He will." It strikes me as so passive, to be said with shoulders shrugged, sitting on a favorite couch, watching to see if my doubts will win out. Ok, Thomas, its time to change that attitude.
Instead of having a passive faith, Christians need to practice an active, aggressive faith. Something more along the lines of, "God, I have faith that You will do this." Notice the period? No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Even reading it over, it is hard for me to claim that. An addendum feels so natural and necessary. So I will add this on: Christian's cannot command God to do anything. He will do what He wills. Christians need to have faith in His will alone.
God, I pray that your people will exercise great FAITH in Your will.
-To tie them together: You can't have one without the other. As mentioned above, faith has to be active. I can't claim to have faith that God will work, and not be willing to be used in His work. I have to obey him. I can't obey God without having faith that He will provide all that I need to accomplish what He has asked of me. He is never going to ask me to do something that I can do on my own strength. He is going to ask me to do SO MUCH MORE! I can only obey when I have faith that He will be working in me and through me.
What are you praying for this national day of prayer?
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