A guy named Denny Dyvig in Nairobi, Kenya, taught me the importance of praying and praising the Lord for safety.
I told you the story of flying the 206 to Fairbanks. From the scenery described, you can pretty much tell we were in the middle of nowhere.
The next day, Friday, Dwayne had some flight seeing trips scheduled during the afternoon. Based on our proximity to the Matanuska glacier, Dwayne offers flights to volunteers at the local camps for a really low rate, just to thank them and bless them for their services. Five at a time go up for 30-45 minutes. So we go out to Hal's to meet the crew of about 15; Dwayne brings me along to entertain the rest of the group while he is flying. The first flight goes and comes back with no problems. The second flight goes off with no problems. But when Dwayne taxis up to drop them off, I notice something that seemed a little out of place. Oil was dripping all out the bottom of the cowling. The belly was covered in oil as well. In that last flight, he had lost about 5 quarts of oil, while the engine holds 12 quarts. We had to cancel the last flight and find the problem.
We found the leak and fixed it up enough to fly home. We also had 2 extra quarts of oil in the back. Not a ton of oil, but plenty enough to get home. Saturday morning, we were doing more investigation into the problem before flying the plane to Anchorage to pick up a couple guys from the airport. The flight to Anchorage went well, oil pressure and temperature were fine the whole trip.
So, why did this particular piece wait until we were doing local flights to blow? Why didn't it all come out in the middle of nowhere on the trip to Fairbanks Thursday? Why didn't it wait until we were flying in the busiest airspace in the world, flying around Anchorage? Because
I hope this reminds me to thank Him for safety daily. We have had several other incidents this summer that could easily have been much worse. We had an engine fire due to a broken primer line, but that was on the ground. Cameron bent up his airplane, but he and his passenger were both safe.
Please continue to pray and thank the Lord for our safety here at Kingdom Air Corps.
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