03 November 2012

house sitting

Did I mention I was housesitting last month?  Yep, that happened.  Also, no blog posts were written then.  Funny how that works. 

It was a good month.  I enjoyed having a place to myself, a kitchen of my own, and a huge bed to hog.  On the other hand, I missed hanging out with the family I live with.  I guess what I can take away from the experience is this: It's all about perspective.  No matter what stage of life you are in, find something about it that is extraordinarily enjoyable, and hang on to that.  I guess I already employ this life strategy on a regular basis, so it was just another opportunity to practice it. 

Some other things discovered while housesitting:
-minerally water makes my hair less curly
-Being left handed/right eye dominant is not ideal for target shooting
-I can survive without regular internet access
-I can still read a cookbook-including using the index!
-One should still walk, even if there is a vehicle readily available.
-If you want to get invited on the next family trip to Hawaii, one should not be such a responsible housesitter.
-Someday, I want a kitchen of my own.  I can do fine in other peoples' kitchens, but if I had my own, I would be able to set it up how I want it.  That would be awesome.