31 December 2011

resolutions for 2012 (with a shiny new grading system!)

1. Consistently work through Bible Study materials.  Kind of arbitrary, but it won't be easy to score otherwise.  

2. start a monthly newsletter to prayer supporters.  I know people are praying for me, but I owe it to them to be accountable, and it will keep them more in the loop, and they will be more accountable to pray for specifics.  (Hey... this looks awfully familiar!)  8.3% per month of writing monthly news

3. no facebook chat.  It sucks away entire evenings. I just need to learn to email or call.  Every time I get on, -5%

4. Don't get eaten by wildlife. This is a pass/fail sort of thing. this also might be to pad my year end grade.

5. Get my IA.  For those of you who don't speak aviation maintenance, that is my Inspections Authorization.  It allows me to sign off annual inspections, major repairs and alterations, and some other stuff I am sure. (why yes, I do need to study...)  I am eligible to test for it in October.  100% if I get it, 75% if I am ready for the test and haven't taken it, 50% if I take the test and fail, 25% if I have at least started to study, and 0% if I don't touch it.

6. Work on priorities.  How's that for vauge?  I know the details about this, but I'm not putting it out there for the blogger world to see. 

7. lose 25 lbs.  4% per pound, easy enough. I guess anything over that can be extra credit. 

8. Blog at least once a week.  1.5% per post.  Yes, I realize that works out to more than once a week.  

9. Summit Tanalian. Should be no problem.  Pass/Fail

10. Do at least a mile 5 days a week.  Even if it is just skiing to work.  Basically this works out to having to come up with something new if I get a ride to work.  the math is a little more than my brain can handle right now... (I can't figure out the math right now. But it will be figure out-able come year end)

11. be better about working full weeks.  40+ hrs = 2 pts, -.1 points for .1 hours, and so on.  Every 5 hours over 40 is an extra point.  Vacation weeks don't count, nor do holidays (1/2 day on 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas)

29 December 2011

wrapping up 2011

Its a good thing I didn't resolve to share all my resolutions at the beginning of the year, cause I managed to post once about them?  Oh well, you are getting them all now, with a few comments on how I feel I did.  I will wrap it up with an arbitrary grade, since I didn't incorporate a real grading system. 

1-spend more time with God: more worship, more Bible study, etc.
While I have been doing more in the way of God time, its still not consistent.  I do more worship though, as I have started playing cello with the worship team at church regularly.  I'll give myself a C, since I am no where near where I wanted to be when I made this resolution. 

2-get up earlier.  Not just to laze around in the mornings, but to do some devotions, possibly a little exercise, and just be more alert for the rest of the day.
This one got better for a while, then really bad, but is now back to being better.  I give myself a B, since I have been pro-active about changing my habits when they slip. 

3-get 500 hours flight time so I can be on the part 135 for work

I am going to throw this one out, since my goals changed a little bit as far as career progression goes.  I still want to fly, but I have another certificate in maintenance to pick up before I want to do that. 

4-lose weight (how cliche is that??  But really, I could stand to lose something)
 I have lost 25 pounds since last year.  I give myself an A for this one!  I eat a little healthier, I drink a lot more water, but I think the biggest contributing factor is commuting to work now that I live on the other end of town.  I either walk or ski, depending on the weather.  Since its a half mile each way, it adds up pretty fast. 

5-be less self righteous.  This will basically be displayed by reaching out more to others instead of waiting for them to reach out to me.  
I have done better with this.  Last spring was not great (living alone will do that to me) but I am actively working on this one.  I give it a C.  Still needs improvement, but its much better than last year.

6-no more feeling sorry for myself.  Its SO easy to fall into that trap, and its pretty miserable.  Instead of holding low opinions of myself and others, I just need to think about something else, or spend time with said people so I won't be quite so bitter toward them.  I feel that this could also lead to deeper relationships, and the ability to lead the youth in a slightly more adult/wise manner
 I think I have finally broken out of this.  But it took me most of the year to do so.  Therefore, it gets a C.

7-spend time with the youth.  Learning how to work with these kids is just the start of my learning how to minister effectively.  I know that they enjoy me (likely because I am the new girl) so I want to take advantage of that: earn their trust, their love, and their confidence.
A friend and I started a regular Bible study with the girls, and I continue to head that up.  I also attend youth group with them somewhat regularly, and will take care of a few of the girls if their parents are out of town. Another shiny gold star for me! 

8-not be a couch potato-this means not coming home from work and sitting on the couch the rest of the evening.  I need to do at least one bit of housecleaning (not including dishes) every day.
 Well, I think I am better about this.  It's hard to judge, since I live with a family now instead of on my own.  Arbitrary B.

9-keep a cleaner/less cluttered house.  Not immaculately clean, but better than I have been doing.  Starting with the pile of clothes in the bedroom... I need to figure out a system for that.

Again, hard to judge now that I live somewhere different.  If anything, I do a better job of keeping my stuff out of the living room, but the laundry thing is still an ongoing battle.  Maybe I need less clothes.  however, I improved a lot in my housekeeping skills, so I will give it a B.

10-be more financially accountable.  Figure out a budget, get loans all situated, and get my feet under me financially.
I feel that I should get a shiny gold star for this one as well.  Not because I am rolling in the dough, but I have an attainable goal for loan payoff, I live in a location where I don't spend much money at all, and I don't do much online shopping.  I even have a growing savings account!  A+!

11-start a monthly newsletter to prayer supporters.  I know people are praying for me, but I owe it to them to be accountable, and it will keep them more in the loop, and they will be more accountable to pray for specifics.
Thinking about it doesn't really count, does it?  considering the two days left this year, I don't think this will happen.  I guess I know one of my resolutions for next year!

Minus the one that gets thrown out and the one failure, that gives me a 3.0 average.  I'll take it!  Here's to 2012 being even better!

17 December 2011

the zeal of Peter

The disciples are experiencing a pretty incredible roller coaster by the time they get to Acts 1.  From spending 3 and a half years with the radical Jesus, to His gruesome crucifixion, to having Him alive again, and walking among them for 40 days.  Finally, He ascends into heaven, with a promise to return. 

The passage I really zone into starts at 15, when Peter addresses the group (numbering about 120).  He quotes the Psalms, and determines that their immediate responsibility is to fill Judas' role in the 12.  Usually when I read this story, I just take it for what it is, the next part of the story.  But then I stopped to wonder why.  I came up with a few things, and a moral of the story.  Its all speculation and my understanding of the text.  Feel free to offer input, share thoughts, and further look into this matter. 

Perhaps one thing on Peter's mind is the role of treasurer is empty.  Perhaps he thought that the 12 apostles would continue to function in ministry as a group of 12, and they were responsible to fill the last spot. 

During Peter's time with Jesus, Jesus frequently quoted scripture for many purposes.  From defending Himself against the Pharisees, for instruction, and many other instances.  Was Peter trying to follow that example here, trying to piece together applicable scripture?  How do these Psalms tie to Judas?

 I am sure the disciples would agree that Judas was chief amongst evildoers, as he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  Still, I am having a hard time connecting him to the evildoers described in the Psalms.  It seems like the evildoers David (I think he is the author of both quotes, not 100% sure) was describing are pretty specific to his situation. 

Continuing in the passage, feeling a bit shaky on Peter's justification of his missive, Peter describes the qualifications of the next disciple.  Someone who has been there from John baptizing Jesus to His ascension. Where did he find this necessary qualifications?  No argument is recorded, and the disciples cast lots to appoint Matthias. 

Since we know the whole story, we know that Paul considers himself an apostle of Jesus.  Could it be that God had a plan all along, and didn't need Peter to fill the hole?  From a lack of evidence, I conclude that Peter's actions didn't anger the Lord.  But this is the only time I hear Matthias mentioned.  He didn't author a majority of the New Testament. 

I wonder if Peter's zeal lead to him stepping out of a place of seeking the Lords guidance to doing things on his own.  Did he find scripture to justify his agenda?  Or was he humbly seeking the Lord's plans for the disciples?  They were told to go wait in Jerusalem. 

I don't want to point fingers and say that Peter was definitely wrong in this instance.  But I do want to observe that Peter's efforts, while they made it into scripture, did not have a huge impact on the early church. 

The next chapter begins the story of the Holy Spirit coming.  For me in this study, Peter's actions have shown me that it is important to wait on the Spirit, to humbly seek His guidance, and know that His plans are better than mine.  I don't want to quelch my zeal for the Lord, but I don't want to pursue action on any other authority. 

13 December 2011

the fine art of procrastination

but at least you are hearing from me, right?

I am headed off to my next housesitting gig tomorrow, so I should be doing a little packing. However, that doesn't really appeal to me, so here I am blogging!

Awesome. Now I can't come up with anything exciting to say. I have a list of things to make blog posts about, but I really don't want to delve into them right now.

I guess the overarching theme of the next few weeks is busyness. I have something definitely planned 5 of the 7 upcoming nights, and if all the tentative things come together, I won't have a free night till next Wednesday. In some senses, its AWESOME to have people to hang out with all the time. In other senses, I am looking at a pile of laundry, a list of blog posts to be written, a room to clean, a camera charger to find, and some other things on my to-do list, wondering when I will ever get to them. I've been mostly sacrificing sleep in favor of enjoying a little more life. I'm thankful that I am on my feet most of the day at work, so its a little easier to stay awake than if I had a desk job!

Winter work projects:
-207 major overhaul (silver bullet rebuild strikes again!)
-navajo major overhaul

so far, I have been working on navajo seats. I am sure there will be a post about that coming up, complete with pictures this time! Its been a lot more work than I was expecting, and I am hoping it will all be worth it in the end. I wish I was involved in the 207 a little more, but as soon as I am done with these seats, I will get to pick up something on that.

Ok ok ok, since this is full of me saying absolutely nothing, I will stop talking and get packing...

12 December 2011


Well, I have tried for about an hour to find the "edit colors" buttons on my blog, to no avail. So here you have it people, a halfway redesigned blog!