16 June 2010


I was listening to the radio while driving home today. Usually, I have my iPod plugged in, but the battery is running low, so I am listening to the radio until I remember to bring it in and charge it. Redeemer, by Nichole C. Mullen came on. Which is kind of odd, considering it was on this morning when I was driving to work. I sang along, and thought about the words:

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning
Who told the ocean you an only come this far?
Who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?

I know its not the main point of the song. But it got me thinking. God is really really powerful. He made all of nature subject to Him. Why didn't He make humans, His greatest creation, with that same attribute? Why did He give us the choice to be subject to Him? I feel honored that He grants me that choice, when He could so easily control me. I mean, He speaks, and the universe goes into motion. No complaining or dragging of feet, it just goes. So why do I struggle with obeying Him? You would think I could learn a lesson from the ocean's waves, constantly falling where He instructs, no questioning or doubts. Why is it so hard to obey?

07 June 2010

He gives and takes away

Last Tuesday was a big day. I had to be at the airport at 6:30 in the morning, which is kind of a strech for me, considering my lack of morning motivation. But it was great. We help the UPS every once in a while when they get behind, so we took a load of packages to Fairbanks. Here is a little bit of what I experienced:

-hearing taps at 7 from elmendorf while getting the 99 ready
-buzzing all the 747s at international
-cool canadian water bombers stationed at fairbanks
-180 knots and 10,000 feet in the 99

I also got to log some twin turbine time, even if it was second in command.

That afternoon, we watched a 206 taxi by for takeoff. Not an uncommon feature, as I work at one of the world's busiest general aviation airports. However, this particular 206 was very heavy laden. I shrugged my shoulders, and attributed it to another crazy bush pilot, just doing his thing. After all, this is Alaska.

Not too long after that, we started to hear the sirens. Looking west down past the runway, giant plumes of smoke were rising. I got off work about a half hour later, and went to investigate. It wasn't till I saw the accident scene that I realized it was the same overloaded 206. One of my co-workers called me that evening to inform me that the people in the plane were from the bush village (Port Alsworth) where our main office and maintenance hangar is based. Please pray for the family. I can't imagine what they are going through. They lost their oldest boy (4) in the wreck, and all the others are in the Northwest for the next few months recieving serious medical treatment.

01 June 2010

its been too quiet...

Sorry for the lack of posting. As much as there is to say about my new life, there isn't much time to think about it, let alone write. Since I don't have much time to think, I really don't have much to say. However, I will still try to say a few things. Try not to get too bored.

-work is difficult. It is a physical challenge. I am getting stronger, and I am going to have the worlds best farmer's tan by the end of the summer. I will be getting lots of overtime, as I only get one day off per week. I have been averaging 55 hour weeks.

- My Bible study at church is almost finished. We did a 13 week course, but took a week off here and there, so we drug it out into a little over 4 months. Its called Experiencing God: knowing and doing the will of God. I have REALLY enjoyed it. There are things about it that aren't perfect, but it is an excellent study tool and guide to doing God's will

-I am moving! I found a place where I can rent a room for about 300 dollars less a month than my current location. I am pretty excited about that! Its a great house, really cool roommates, and a really safe neighborhood. Its on the east side of town, which is away from everything I am used to, but I guess change is good, right?

-I had a really good talk with my boss today about my future and life plans. Its so refreshing to talk to someone who talks ideas as ideas, not making fantasies out to be realities, as someone I used to listen to frequently portrays. I have some ideas in my head now, I just have to bite the bullet to get them done.

-I feel that I have gotten a pretty clear assignment from God for this fall. Please pray with me that I will have the stamina to go through the application process so I can obey Him. Details when plans firm up!