Happy St. Patrick's day!
Seeing that it IS still the glorious Irish holiday for another hour or so here in the AK, I thought I would share some exciting happenings.
Morning coffee~
while reading a friend's blog, I was reminded to reflect on my own unique Irish heritage, as today is the day to squeeze enjoyment out of whatever drops of Irish blood you may have, even if you are 100% Hawaiian. Despite the fact that my Dad is Flemish (that means he is from Belgium. No, there is no country called Flem. Stop laughing, is not funny!) and my mom is Dutch and German, we have some little hairline of Irish in there. Yeah, my dad's mom's grandmother, or something like that. But it IS Irish, so I have the same right to this holiday as every other green-donned American out there.
lunchtime soda~
I show up to work at noon to find about half my coworkers decked out in green, and the other half ranging from subtle attempts at green to not trying at all. I thought about it, and we are grown up. Pinching people for not wearing a big splash of secondary color does seems to be a bit childish, yeah? I asked one of my co-workers (who hails from The Azors, Portugal) where her green was. She responded with "Come here, I show you my green!" If she has to show it to me that close and personal, maybe I dont really want to see it. Turned out fine, the frames of her glasses had green.
Afternoon tea~
Turns out that about half (not all the same half boasting the Irish hue) were making corned beef and cabbage for dinner. Pressure cooker, slow cooker, all methods of preparing the traditional meal were being discussed around me. At one point, a co-worker asked what I was having. I explained to her that I would be pursuing the "potato famine" portion of Irish history. (as it turned out, I skipped the potato for a bowl of popcorn) Hooray for being single.
As the afternoon wore on, I felt a different green than the springy polo shirt I was wearing and the bright ribbon in my hair. As I was making lunch earlier, I discovered that my milk had gone bad. Now, I think milk smells bad to begin with, so of course I had to TASTE it to see if it really was bad or not. It was. It was only a sip, but I was feeling pretty queasy in the afternoon. Later, I found that the milk cooler for the coffee machine was never turned on. What happens to milk when it sits at room temperature all day? Yep, more gross smelling milk for Liz to clean up.
Evening decaf~
As much fun as the Irish pub would be on such a momentous night, after the threat of the expired milk, I decided an evening at home would be best, even skipping coffee with a friend. I ate my Irish popcorn (butter and salt is Irish, right?), listened to some Irish tunes on Pandora, and generally pursued my normal evening activities.
Definitely an interesting day.