22 February 2010


I was given a destination. So what do I do? Usually, I turn to Google maps, where I can get a detailed view of the roads leading to my destination, the satellite view, and a topographical representation of the terrain. I can even get traffic reports, webcams, and street views along the majority of the route. It’s safe to say I have a pretty good idea of what is coming.

Paul, the first missionary, went on extensive trips detailed in Acts. He didn’t have the advantage of Google maps to tell him when each wave would crash against his vessel’s hull. The travel was a big part of Paul’s life, but it just gets glossed over in Acts. In three verses, weeks of travel are covered.

As I try to scrutinize the map, pick the best course, and prepare myself for the trip, I wonder if I am I focusing too much on the details? Is it just going to be a part of my life that will be covered by less than three sentences? It sure doesn’t seem like it as I set out. But this adventure may be reduced to a brief mention in the tale of my life.

14 February 2010

new schedule

Last week, I started working a schedule from noon to 8. As nice as it is not to have to be there till noon, its really wreaking havoc on my schedule. I have been eating dinner around 9, staying up past 1, sleeping in, and just kind of lazing around in the morning. I've been fighting a migraine the past few days, and i largely blame it on the schedule change. In addition to just being aggrivating, I know its not healthy.

So... here's what I need from you: ideas on how to make this schedule work. I really hope this is temporary. But if its not, I need to figure out a way to make the most of it. Ideas, please!

08 February 2010

homework assignment and moms

In light of something rather disappointing that happened at work, one of my co-workers* gave me some homework. Here's the assignment:
1. What you want to do in 1yr, 3 yrs, 5 yrs, 10 yrs. and what you need to do to achieve those goals... build hours, etc.
2. Make a list of at least 10 aviation networking resources related to your goals.....ANC 99's, Alaska Alaska Airmen's Association, etc.....
3. List of 15 aviation businesses for potential jobs, maybe not your dream job, but a step in the right direction and resume building experience.

My mother** went to Montana this weekend to visit some friends that used to live in Salem. I hope she is enjoying the Montana mountains and snow.

I went up the Glenn highway to stay with some friends up there. Friday night, with snow falling heavier in some spots than others, I drove. En route, The snow leopard decided it was tired of running. So it slowed down. And slowed down. No matter how much gas I gave it or how fast I could rev the engine. Around Sutton, we were down to about 10 mph, still slowing down. I decided it was time to call my friends to be rescued. They show up with a big truck and a tow rope. "Have you ever been towed before?" M asked. "Yes... once," I responded truthfully. I didn't have time to explain that the once was less than a mile from walmart to campus in Longview, a very flat city. So off we went. Did I mention it was snowing? And that part of the glenn highway, the wind blows pretty strong, resulting in not being able to see anything. Which is really exciting when you are a tow rope's length away from the car in front of you going 50 down the hills and around the corners. Oh, and this 15 mile joy ride is all in the dark too. I think that serves as another notch in my BMW belt! Needless to say, it was good to finally get to the house and get a hug from J***

The next day (I would say morning, but I dont think I had drank an entire cup of coffee before it changed from morning to afternoon) P and I went to dig out the saturn from the snow. It took me a couple minutes to actually find the saturn. I probably would still be looking if P didn't know exactly where to find it. I was standing on the snow, and was level with the roof of the car when we started. It would have been real work if it had been anything heavier than super dry snow.

Oops, I guess I should get to that homework...

*Also stars as Anchorage mother
**this role of original birth mother is played by "mumsie"
***a synonym for Chickaloon mom