22 December 2009

remove the scissors from the bathroom!

I really dont know what my inspiration was on this... maybe I noticed my hair was growing out from the last time any shaping was done, and i wanted to fix it. Then the stuff around my face kept getting shorter... and shorter...

...And now I have bangs.

20 December 2009

The cello lady

Wide eyes. Noses flattened against the glass. Hiding behind walls, peeking out shyly. Waving. Singing along proudly. All are drawn in by the melodies. My fingers dance precisely across the strings, trying to keep focused on the music while smiling at these children entranced by the simple Christmas carols.

I played my cello at work this weekend. There is something about live music that kind of soothes a busy shopping day the week before Christmas, and I really enjoyed the chance to play. But more than playing, I enjoyed watching the kids' reactions. Don't get me wrong, I got a lot of compliments from the adults too. But the kids' reactions reminded me of how Christ encourages us to be like children. To not be concerned with what is right and acceptable, but to stand in awe, to draw near, and to sing along.

15 December 2009

Thinking of Africa...

I watched the movie "Out of Africa" this weekend. Just seeing the land, the animals, the constant towering cumulus clouds... Sure, Hollywood's 198os depiction of Africa in early 1900s isn't what I experienced, but seeing the places made me miss it. Then this morning, as I was leaving my apartment on the way to work, I stopped to talk to the guy shoveling snow. It reminded me of greeting the gate guards every morning as I headed out of my neighborhood on the way to work in Kenya.

Just a couple things in the past few days that made me really grateful I got to go to such an amazing place!

14 December 2009

moving forward...

I turned in pilot resume and application stuff for a job I really really really want. Please pray with me that the Lord will provide what HE sees is best.

07 December 2009

Life without...

...a car
is tough, but do-able. It helps that work is less than 10 blocks away. And that my co-workers don't mind giving me rides home. And that one of my co workers lent me her yaktrax. Much better than slipping in the middle of a busy intersection. Co workers are also willing to take me grocery shopping, and let me tag along on some outings, and that sort of thing. The bus isn't a terrible option for going out during the day either.

...a camera
is really not suffering at all. And I do have a camera, its just the definition of point and shoot, as the LCD screen on the back is cracked and their is no viewfinder. I could get batteries for it, but my current computer doesn't have a card reader for this specific type of memory card. Until I get something done about it, my camera phone has been sufficing.

is dark. Well, we do still have some sunshine, but the sun rises at 10am and sets at 3:45. Aside from wanting to sleep in till 11 on my days off, it really doesn't bother me that much.

December sunrise on the way to work at 9:45 in the morning

1pm in December, looking south. Low sun and long shadows.

Sunset reflecting off the Chugach mountains in the East, around 3:30 in the afternoon

is a matter of opinion. Around 17 degrees is when it starts feeling cold for me now. Ask me in a month or so, and 17 will probably sound tropical. It warmed up last week above freezing, and I was ready to go to the beach.

is tough. Yeah, I have made a few friends here, but not to the close extent that I had back in the college days. I miss the community of everyone being so close. When you wanted to talk to someone, you just walk to their dorm room across campus. Its definitely been different; an adjustment.

is a new experience. I hope I don't get too used to living alone, because I do like having people around. But I have noticed that I talk to myself a lot more these days... maybe I should be worried about that one

is not a permanent situation. At least I am praying that its not. several airlines up here have right seat programs that I am looking into. Maybe one of these doors will turn out to be the right one!