14 December 2008

movin on...

everything is packed, almost all of it is loaded in the van, and we are getting ready to head out. There is a ton of weather everywhere, so we are sticking with a more southern route. Which means we will be driving across much of Texas today... hooray. Not. When we get to san fransisco, we will decide if we are going to stop for a while or if the syskious are clear enough.

Had to leave cello in Longview. Too much stuff for it to fit. Anyone want to take it to Oregon some time for me? Preferrably before June?

10 December 2008


Done with traditional finals. For now at least... I have to take the FAA written tests tomorrow. Three tests standing in the way of me being a certified mechanic... SCARY!

I will have finals to take for my last 12 hrs, but those will not be traditional classes if I have anything to say about it :p

coming soon: Fall 2008 Quotes