Summer officially began for me on Wednesday, April 30th, around 4 in the afternoon when I walked out of my last final. Since summer began, several things took place. Firstly, I saw Iron man on Friday. Secondly, a ton of people graduated Saturday morning. Sunday, I moved almost all that I own into a dorm room in
As I settled into my new dwelling, I looked out the window. At this point, I realized what an incredible adventure this would be. In addition to a striking view of south
I rounded the corner and peered over the edge of the dumpster. I was vastly disappointed to discover trash in the transmogrifier. Trash!! Who would put garbage in such an incredible contraption? Then I realized what had happened. This transmogrifier has a trash setting. Imagine it! Some poor, unsuspecting victim crawls in the device, thinking what a great new plaything he has discovered, and ZAP! He is now garbage. “Not so bad,” you say. “Just transmogrify him back.” Hello, clueless, we don’t know what he was to begin with!! Ok, so transmogrify him into something that can talk. Bad idea! What if he has violent tendencies? What if I couldn’t convince him to go back in the transmogrifier? And this brings up another question… Does the transmogrifier take age into account? So if we transmogrified a really old dog into a human, would it be a really old human? What if this thing I transmogrified was too young to talk? Then the whole purpose of transmogrifying it would be completely defeated. Transmogrification is always an incredibly risky business. Sadly, I walked away from the transmogrifier. I didn’t know what to do! The trash was intent on remaining inside, and any further transmogrification could result in disaster.
Yes, this summer brings two things into my life: a) lack of sufficient people around to keep me sane and b) lack of things to do to keep me sane. Therefore, the imagination takes over, and things like commonplace dumpster items become something extraordinary. Oh wait, the extraordinary one is me.